Body in (j)classes

place Chamberí- Giner Foundation
date Sunday, 28 October
hour of 10:00 a 12:00 hours

Theater Forum by ex-loveras / os

imparted by
Natalia Sanz

PSDance! Dance Education in Public Schools

place Chamberí- Giner Foundation
date Sunday, 28 October
hour of 12:30 a 13:30 hours

Documentary film presence of Ana Nery Fragoso, director of dance education department of the City of New York, dance leading to public school in New York.
*With the support of Spanish Cultural Action (AM / E)

Ana Nery Fragoso chat with (director of Dance Education Department of the City of New York) and close by the group algonuevo

place Chamberí – Giner Foundation
date Sunday, 28 October
hour of 13:30 a 14:30 hours
*With the support of Spanish Cultural Action (AM / E)

*Back to program aprendanza