A Proyect of:

enCanto proposes to primary school students create and share your own songs with girls and boys around the world. In their songs they talk about what they learn, of what they do, what they feel, what they long for.
charm It is a project to integrate from tutoring, not from the music room. You do not need to know music to do in singing. You need to want music to be a support for learning. If you want to get closer to the invention of songs, you can do it with your class. And if you are afraid to create music, there you have a good reason why the same thing doesn't happen to your class!
The enCanto class actively participates in a complete course process. The class creates and shares songs with other classes around topics they are working on or situations they are experiencing: from curricular aspects to recent events that influence the classroom climate.
If you think that creating songs is something complex that is not within the reach of anyone, remember that the human being invents songs since he is in the crib. What Canto proposes is not to give you something new, but give you back something that is yours and they took away.
In the first pilot phase we want to invite a small number of centers to participate to focus our proposals in a defined school context (elementary tutoring) and learn from experience throughout a full course.
The profile that we seek primarily for the pilot phase includes (1) that the project be done in primary, (2) that is done at the initiative of a tutor or tutor, (3) covering the school year and (4) that caters to groups at risk of social exclusion.
This phase begins in the course 21/22, If you want to embark on this challenge, send us an email to lova@proyectolova.es and we tell you more.
enCanto is a project of the SM Foundation and the Royal Theater
If you are a participating center in enCanto: