Frequent questions
We need to know the project (that is to say, I formed) before taking a classroom in which you are tutor / guardian or teacher who supports a tutor or guardian. Four education departments offer the LÓVA course in addition to the Teatro Real in Madrid, in the Palau de les Arts de Valencia, at the Jofre Theater in Ferrol and at the Guadalupe Auditorium in Murcia or doing the project in your center together with teachers whohave done one of the previous trainings. Lova is not a project that comes from outside the school. It comes directly from you as a teacher. It comes from the interest of teachers who convert itin your way of teaching. Teachers are the engine of the project from 2006, because you decide to teach through a project like this. If that's the case and you have a group that apply, Lova offers training, support activities (meetings, meetings, online chats, resources) and a network of nearly seven hundred people intercommunicating, with experience in project implementation. further, Lova has been greatly enriched by people who have been Lova at different levels and educational backgrounds, doingadaptations of the project for education.
No. You can perfectly adapt the musical complexity of opera your musical abilities and your kind. No need to have students / os gifted with a parallel or specialized training. Like the case in disciplines such as scenery, theatrical performance, carpentry, illumination, promotion, dramaturgy, etc. Remember that, also, who help them should not compose musically, but guide them in the creation and public performance of his own music, something that, by the way, It should be common in the specialized music lessons.
Certain educational tradition has a special interest in reminding the children what they are not able to do instead of all they are able to do. In Lova they'll remember you are able to do everything you intend if you put effort and enthusiasm. We are happy to call musical, zarzuela, performance, vaudeville, cabaret, rock opera or any other name to what they do, but in no case to say that opera is too difficult for them.
The project belongs entirely to teachers and institutions provide support to a clear example of educational commitment. The money and means of the institutions and supports are allocated to teacher training activities, organizing meetings, subprojects, coordination and operating costs. Facilitamos recursos educativos e incentivamos la investigación y la innovación. The Ministries of Education four CCAA (Valencian Community, Galicia, Murcia and Madrid) han ido incorporando suoferta la formación LÓVA.
The course is usually held at the beginning of July and the call is usually published three months before on this website.. In Murcia, Madrid, Valencian Community and Galicia is requested through the respective training centers.
The course is aimed at teachers who have decided to carry out the project and supported its management team. There are slight variations in the calls according to the Autonomous Community to post it, but is valued take the course next to another / a teacher at the center. Apart from these criteria, Some CCAA apply one date / time of receipt of the application.
In this table you can see the list of centers with ages / levels and some basic data of companies.
Lova comes from Creating Original Opera, an educational project created by Bruce Taylor almost fifty years ago at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. England has been done by the name of Write an Opera and are also similar examples in other countries. Mary Ruth McGinn, primary school teacher COO formed in the project that led to her classroom, expanded its school dimension, He brought him to Spain in the course 2006-07 Y, since then, continues to inspire new teachers.
Write or call Laura Bañuelos, LÓVA coordinator. We love to serve you.
Yes. Lova is the result of committed work of individuals and entities over years. Lova is registered as a trademark in order to ensure respect for the project at least three aspects:
1. The quality of the project
2. The generosity of professionals who share their experience selflessly
3. Avoid improper use of the mark (commercial, etc)