manuscript of a student of Lova LÓVA (The opera, Learning a vehicle) It is an educational project that demonstrates the power of trust in the ability of people to overcome challenges in advance team did not seem surmountable. Lova do is to propose a class to become a company that creates its own opera. The company is organized by professions. Children do it all: write the libretto, designed the scenery, compose music, They make costumes, perform the press campaign, fundraise, designed and manufactured decorated, create lighting, etc. In the end, premiered his opera without adult help. The goal is not to make an opera. The goal is to grow and build the future in an environment of trust, collaboration, effort and learning. LÓVA (The opera, Learning a vehicle) working educational classroom goals: cognitive development, social and emotional development of children. Mainly applied for primary teachers, It has also been successfully adapted to other educational levels and contexts of social intervention. Since a small group of teachers began in Lova 2007, nine thousand people have created and released four operas in fifteen CCAA (see more).

An ambitious proposal

Lova is an ambitious project, demanding and committed. Intensive training of sixty hours in eight days. It occupies ten months, It is integrated into various areas of the curriculum, requires several sessions weekly school hours and is performed in teaching teams that feed back their experience with the extensive network of teachers in Spain and other countries. If you are interested to know more about the demands that have helped Lova reach what is today, You can read more here.

a metaphor

The aim of leading Lova teachers to the classroom is to educate through a challenge: create and release an opera. The opera, which it is the benchmark for integrating many disciplines, also it offers the metaphor of the journey that pupils and students will perform together. The final piece and its release is not the objective of the project, but a part of it. The show, the magic, They are in the classroom. The play, entirely created by students and pupils, usually it lasts half an hour and has some songs and musical moments interspersed theatrical action. During performances, infant company is solely responsible for the show and their teachers sit among the public.

In eleven years, the project has expanded to fifteen CCAA and has expanded its activities. Lova has created projects such as aprendanza, annual meeting of art and movement education. It has also created the program arteducar, collaboration with public administrations in the area of ​​teacher training, etc.

Kids Create Opera (Kennedy Center, USA)

In Lova we are very proud. Mary Ruth McGinn y Peter Hoyle, that have shaped and inspired from 2006 hundreds of teachers to Lova our courses in Madrid and Ferrol, They have given in 2018 in Washington the first course Kids Create Opera: A Vehicle for Learning. The course is part of the John F educational program. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. We wish them and the institutions that support the project at this stage the best. All information can be found at this link.

LÓVA, reference project in the European Union

The European Union chooses Lova and MUS-E as Spanish educational reference projects to develop awareness and cultural expression. See full publication, Cultural Awareness and Expression Handbook, in this link (we are on the page 116)

Lova in the CEIP Antonio Hernandez of Mostoles (Madrid) Since its inception, Lova experienced steady growth thanks to teachers who are in Lova response to their pedagogical concerns. Lova gathers momentum every year in the summer course It offered in Madrid (Royal Theatre), Valencia and Castellon (Palace of Arts / Department of Education) and Ferrol (Jofre Theater / Government of Galicia). Lova has become a reference in the creation of social value from networking of hundreds of professionals involved / os in improving education.

Teachers expert @ s

Our education system, like many countries, It has highly qualified professionals teaching. It is they who have Lova become a valuable educational tool. The job, experience and professional commitment of / teachers make education possible based on respect, the effort, the risk, imagination and the pursuit of happiness.