Session 10 horses +

Evaluate to celebrate the learning process and improve

On Wednesday 23 June we had the tenth and last session of this season of LÓVA +. The lovera family met at Zoom to assess the learning and support process carried out throughout the course and celebrate all that has been achieved.

Here is the video of the session:

We began the session by sharing in a large group an object that symbolized the journey of LÓVA +. This is our visual collage of the process:

LÓVA + objects

Then, We composed as a community a small text that will reflect our experience with the forced footing of including nine words in it: the ceiling, shades, string, elephant, nine, but, without, song and stone

After nine sessions, some shadows and many stones like an elephant on the rope, we have opened the roof without fear but with the strength of our song.

further, and how could it be otherwise, we composed the lyrics of a song with our wishes for the future of LÓVA+ based on the song by La Macarena:

Let such interesting speakers come.

That the contact that brightens life continues.

Let such exciting sessions come.


Let the LOVA repeat again more,

that we can join forces without stopping

that connects life and joy once again

Ehhhhhh, LOVA more


In this meeting we were lucky to receive fedebacks as positive as the following:

  • “Thank those who have designed these sessions that also allow us to talk and tell about our problems. You make us feel that we are all important, that we are part of something and that everything is possible at LÓVA. A breath of fresh air and very therapist”
  • What I take most from L + is the feeling that there are problems, there will be, let's look for solutions”
  • “If I had been alone without communicating with anyone, reaching the end would have been impossible”


Thank you very much to all of you for your generosity in sharing your work process and congratulations for having achieved wonderful results in a context as difficult as the current one.!