El Real Junior
Animal farm
02 Mar, 24 - 10 Mar, 24

New production by LaJoven / Fundación Teatro Joven
The animals of Manor Farm rebel against their human farmer and set up a brand-new and apparently ideal society. However, in this utopia the most charismatic animal leaders instigate an unwavering control, and the newly created freedom is supressed by a cruel and terrible oppression. LaJoven takes a different look at one of the great classics of contemporary literature, a feat described as «a perfect literary work » and was published in 1945.
Using a group of animals and their relationship with humans, a satire is constructed which puts into question many of the political and social ideals of contemporary society. One of the most well-known commandments of the book, allows for a reading that was impossible in Orwell’s time, such as the issue of animal rights.
«All the animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others»
Notwithstanding, there is something timeless and nearly transcendental in this short story: the idea of a world without masters. We will be immersed in an
experience where the spectator lives the rebellion first hand and has an opportunity to decide where happiness and one’s well- being reside.
Musical Theatre
Based on the novel by George Orwell
Stage Direction: José Luis Arellano García
Cast and Artistic team: LaJoven
School performances
29 February 2024, 10:00 am and 12:30 pm*
1, 7, 8 March 2024, 10:00 am and 12:30 pm*
Performances for Families
2, 9 March 2024, 17:00 pm and 20:00 pm
3, 9 March 2024, 19:00 pm
* A conversation with the artists
Recommended as of age 12
- Date/hour
- Space
- Cast
- Subscription ticket
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