
Stefano Gervasoni

Com que voz

26 Oct, 18 - 28 Oct, 18

Musical conductor: Nacho de Paz

Stage Director: Oscar García Villegas

The Portuguese soul as expressed by the Fado and the latest vanguard sound come together in Com que voz, a creation by Stefano Gervasoni. Inspired by sonnets of Camões and the fados of Amália Rodrigues, Com Que Voz premieres in Spain in a new production by the Teatro Real. Nacho de Paz conducts various combinations of musicians from the opera house orchestra to create a dialogue between two distinct musical universes in the voice of baritone Frank Wörner. It will be seen at the Naves Matadero for a first collaboration with the Teatro Real.

Metamorphosis of the voice and sound spaces through nostalgia, after sonets by Luís de Camões and fados by Amália Rodrigues.

Music by Stefano Gervasoni (1962)

Premiered at the Casa da Música of Porto on 17  February 2008, and its revised version at theVredenburg Leidsche Rijn of Utrecht, on 10 February 2010.

Premiere in Spain

New production by the Teatro Real, Naves Matadero - Centro Internacional de Artes Vivas, IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique) of Paris, Casa da Música of Porto, Ensemble Modern, Radio France and Nieuw Ensemble

Principal Orchestra of the Teatro Real
(Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid)

Performed at Naves Matadero


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  • Subscription ticket

27 October 2018


Naves Matadero

Frank Wörner
Subscription tickets -

28 October 2018


Naves Matadero

Frank Wörner
Subscription tickets -

28 October 2018


Naves Matadero

Frank Wörner
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