
Mieczyslaw Weinberg

Die Passagierin

01 Mar, 24 - 24 Mar, 24

The Passenger

Musical conductor: Mirga Gražinytè-Tyla | Stage direction: David Pountney | Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real

 In collaboration with


An opera that combines two simultaneous actions in two different periods of time and context and is an emotional earthquake. A spectacular setting that will show the spatial duality of a concentration camp and a holiday cruise, two antagonistic situations experienced by both protagonists of this moving opera about forgiveness.

Above, the deck of a transatlantic en route to Brazil.  Below, the horrifying memory of a concentration camp. Between both these settings are two women, trying to escape their past in search of a better future. Based on the autobiographical work by Zofia Posmysz – Polish journalist and novelist, a survivor of Auschwitz and Ravensbrück–, Die Passagierin represents an emotional cataclysm whose epicentre is the relationship between two women who were in Auschwitz in two very different positions: one was a prison guard and the other, a Jewish prisoner.

The story spread across Poland as a radio drama (The Passenger from Cabin 45, 1957), a novel (The Passenger, 1962) and a homonymous film (1963) before Shostakovich recognised its suitability for an opera. He recommended it to the Polish-born Soviet composer Mieczylaw Weinberg, who bore the dubious honour of having suffered the fury of anti-Semitism in both its Nazi and Stalinist variants.  Completed in 1968 and silenced for decades by the Russian authorities, this shocking opera comes to the Teatro Real backed by an irrepressible international fame.

Melodramma in two acts

Music by Mieczysław Weinberg (1919-1996)

Libretto by Alexander Medvedev, based on the novel of the same name (1962) by Zofia Posmysz

Premiere in a semi-staged version at the Moscow International Auditorium on 25 December 2006 and in a staged version at the Bregenz Festival on 21 July 2010.

Premiere in Spain 

New production of the Teatro Real, in co-production with Bregenz Festival, Teatr Wielki in Warsaw and English National Opera.

Artistic team

Musical conductor: Mirga Gražinytè-Tyla

Stage director: David Pountney

Set design: Johan Engels

Costumes: Marie-Jeanne Lecca

Lighting: Fabrice Kebour

Chorus master: José Luis Basso


Marta: Amanda Majeski

Tadeusz: Gyula Orendt

Katja: Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie 

Krzystina: Lidia Vinyes-Curtis

Vlasta: Marta Fontanals-Simmons

Hannah: Nadezhda Karyazina

Ivette: Olivia Doray

Alte: Helen Field

Bronka: Liuba Sokolova

Lisa: Daveda Karanas

Walter: Nikolai Schukoff

Älterer Passagier / Steward Kommandant: Graeme Danby

Oberaufseherin / Kapo: Géraldine Dulex 

Men of the S.S.: Hrólfur Sæmundsson, Marcell Bakonyi y Albert Casals

Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real

In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the death of Gerard Mortier (1943-2014)




Subtitles in

English, Spanish

La pasajera, de Weinberg

Programa de mano

application/pdf 5.43 MB


  • Date/hour
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  • Cast
  • Subscription ticket

01 March 2024


Main Auditorium

Amanda Majeski, Gyula Orendt, Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie , Lidia Vinyes Curtis, Marta Fontanals-Simmons, Nadezhda Karyazina, Olivia Doray, Helen Field, Liuba Sokolova, Daveda Karanas, Nikolai Schukoff, Graeme Danby, Hrólfur Sædmundsson, Marcell Bakonyi y Albert Casals
Subscription tickets E

04 March 2024


Main Auditorium

Amanda Majeski, Gyula Orendt, Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie , Lidia Vinyes Curtis, Marta Fontanals-Simmons, Nadezhda Karyazina, Olivia Doray, Helen Field, Liuba Sokolova, Daveda Karanas, Nikolai Schukoff, Graeme Danby, Géraldine Dulex , Géraldine Dulex , Hrólfur Sædmundsson, Marcell Bakonyi y Albert Casals
Subscription tickets A

07 March 2024


Main Auditorium

Amanda Majeski, Gyula Orendt, Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie , Lidia Vinyes Curtis, Marta Fontanals-Simmons, Nadezhda Karyazina, Olivia Doray, Helen Field, Liuba Sokolova, Daveda Karanas, Nikolai Schukoff, Graeme Danby, Géraldine Dulex , Hrólfur Sædmundsson, Marcell Bakonyi y Albert Casals
Subscription tickets F

10 March 2024


Main Auditorium

Amanda Majeski, Gyula Orendt, Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie , Lidia Vinyes Curtis, Marta Fontanals-Simmons, Nadezhda Karyazina, Olivia Doray, Helen Field, Liuba Sokolova, Daveda Karanas, Nikolai Schukoff, Graeme Danby, Géraldine Dulex , Hrólfur Sædmundsson, Marcell Bakonyi y Albert Casals
Subscription tickets G

13 March 2024


Main Auditorium

Amanda Majeski, Gyula Orendt, Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie , Lidia Vinyes Curtis, Marta Fontanals-Simmons, Nadezhda Karyazina, Olivia Doray, Helen Field, Liuba Sokolova, Daveda Karanas, Nikolai Schukoff, Graeme Danby, Géraldine Dulex , Hrólfur Sædmundsson, Marcell Bakonyi y Albert Casals
Subscription tickets Z

18 March 2024


Main Auditorium

Amanda Majeski, Gyula Orendt, Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie , Lidia Vinyes Curtis, Marta Fontanals-Simmons, Nadezhda Karyazina, Olivia Doray, Helen Field, Liuba Sokolova, Daveda Karanas, Nikolai Schukoff, Graeme Danby, Géraldine Dulex , Hrólfur Sædmundsson, Marcell Bakonyi y Albert Casals
Subscription tickets C

20 March 2024


Main Auditorium

Amanda Majeski, Gyula Orendt, Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie , Lidia Vinyes Curtis, Marta Fontanals-Simmons, Nadezhda Karyazina, Olivia Doray, Helen Field, Liuba Sokolova, Daveda Karanas, Nikolai Schukoff, Graeme Danby, Géraldine Dulex , Hrólfur Sædmundsson, Marcell Bakonyi y Albert Casals
Subscription tickets X

24 March 2024


Main Auditorium

Amanda Majeski, Gyula Orendt, Anna Gorbachyova-Ogilvie , Lidia Vinyes Curtis, Marta Fontanals-Simmons, Nadezhda Karyazina, Olivia Doray, Helen Field, Liuba Sokolova, Daveda Karanas, Nikolai Schukoff, Graeme Danby, Géraldine Dulex , Hrólfur Sædmundsson, Marcell Bakonyi y Albert Casals
Subscription tickets W

Cultural activities

Mesa redonda

What's OnCentro Sefarad-Israel

Lecturas de La pasajera: un viaje por la memoria y las artes

El Centro Sefarad-Israel y el Instituto Polaco de Cultura proponen un acercamiento a la ópera de Mieczysław Weinberg y al libreto de Alexander Medvedev, basado en la novela homónima de Zofia Posmysz. Con la participación de Joanna Bardzińska, directora de la Fundación AVA Arts Foundation, Jorge Volpi, escritor, y Arnolod Lieberman, escritor y musicólogo, el acto ahondará en los significados de esta ópera, más allá de lo estrictamente operístico. Una reflexión sobre la memoria, la culpa, la responsabilidad y la supervivencia.

20 de marzo. 18.00 h 
Entrada libre hasta completar aforo, previa inscripción en este enlace






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