Flamenco Real

Eduardo Guerrero

19 May, 22 - 20 May, 22


Preferred outlets

  • November 16: Amigos del Real
  • November 17: Abonados 

“Specialized critics say that it is brutal, radical, that it dances with the viscera. His prodigious technique and powerful footwork stand out, his perfect turns and above all his elegance and style, both his hallmarks”. – SO-LA-NA-

Eduardo Guerrero González began dancing at the age of six at the Carmen Guerrero school in Cádiz where he built the foundations of his dance and has had teachers of the stature of Mario Maya, Antonio Canales, Manolo Marín or Chiqui de Jerez, among others. His training in both Spanish, classical and contemporary dance provide the dancer with a precise technique and movements that are difficult to match. He won the Desplante Award at the prestigious Festival de Las Minas de la Unión 2013, and the Audience Award at the Festival de Jerez 2017.

In 2011 he began his solo professional career. Apart from the awards that the bailaor has accumulated, he has also participated as a soloist in numerous national and international projects and events, such as the Guggenheim Museum Stars Festival in New York, in concerts by Pasión Vega and India Martínez, collaborations with The Stomp in Manchester. In 2016 and 2017 he also collaborated with the designer Francis Montesinos in several fashion shows, he participated as a guest artist in the tours of the shows Eterno Camarón and Puerto Flamenco Tour those same years.

It is a simple, intimate show, of great strength and drama, where different styles of flamenco follow one another with a masterful performance. Pure and current at the same time, without artifice, that starts from the essence of flamenco to derive in more contemporary and personal forms with the imposing aesthetics of Eduardo Guerrero.

Accompanied by the beauty of the sound of the guitar and flamenco singing, Eduardo represents in "Return" the essence of flamenco dance, with his interpretive strength and refined style that contribute to the evolution of flamenco art, as other dances have done before. great dance figures.


  • Francisco Javier Ibáñez | Guitarra
  • Samara Montañéz y Pilar Sierra | Cante

Patrocinadores FR


Patron friends

16 November


Subscribers friend

17 November


Tickets on sale

18 November



  • Date/hour
  • Space
  • Cast
  • Subscription ticket

19 May 2022



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20 May 2022



Subscription tickets -

20 May 2022



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