
Joan Cererols / Agrupación Señor Serrano


12 Apr, 22 - 24 Apr, 22


Conductor | Javier Ulises Illán Stage Directors and Dramaturgs | Álex Serrano y Pau Palacios Titular Chorus of the Teatro Real Ensemble Nereydas

12 Apr 22


24 Apr 22

Última función



A Spanish boat descends the Amazon River for the first time, someone scrolls through the image gallery looking for a photo, the lower gallery of an illegal mine collapses, a new Instagram notification appears on the screen, the King of Spain listens to a mass in astonishment in his honor, drops of golden dust in suspension, it rains mud, an anatomy professor searches for the place of the soul, someone finds the nearest restaurant, 56 unread messages, the interior of the jungle burns, a requiem resounds in a cathedral of the New World, someone looks at the sky, someone watches a series, someone picks up a piece of ore, someone picks up a chalice, someone picks up a mobile.

Agrupación Señor Serrano proposes a visual staging of the masses of Battle and pro Defunctis of Juan Cererols. A poetic and visual work on the notes of the masses, through a dramaturgy that unfolds through the use of video cameras, performance, objects and live video projections. A large screen dominates the space, several work tables, a set where a film is being shot, three performers-manipulators, a musical director and a vocal and instrumental ensemble intermingle on stage. Static and ecstatic images captured live and transformed in real time, performers entering and exiting different allegorical figures, the search for the soul, the search for coltan, fire, gold, blood, pure and simple entertainment that swells us like to a popcorn about to explode.

A scenic proposal by the Señor Serrano Group
From the Missa de Batalla and the Missa pro Defunctis by Joan Cererols
Stage direction and dramaturgy Àlex Serrano and Pau Palacios
Musical direction Javier Ulises Illán

A production of the Teatro Real and the Teatro de La Abadía
With the collaboration of the International Festival of Sacred Art FIAS 2022


Vocal Ensemble I Choir of the Teatro Real

Instrumental Ensemble I Nereydas

Set design and costumes I Lola Belles

Light Design I Cube.bz

Video creation I Vicenç Viaplana

Sound setting I Roger Costa Vendrell

Dramaturgy and direction assistant I Carlota Grau

Video programming and technical direction I David Muñiz

Executive Producer I Barbara Bloin, Paula S. Viteri

Delegated production and management I Jordi Tort



Performers I Carlota Grau, Marcel Borràs, Àlex Serrano


Thanks I Román Torre, Núria Guiu, Estampa col lectiu, Anna Pérez Moya, Marc Cartanyà, Pablo Acosta-García.



  • Date/hour
  • Space
  • Cast
  • Subscription ticket

12 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
Subscription tickets -

13 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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14 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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15 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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16 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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17 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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19 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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20 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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21 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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22 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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23 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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24 April 2022


Teatro de la Abadía

Agrupación Señor Serrano
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