Supported by:


Giuseppe Verdi


05 Jul, 22 - 22 Jul, 22

Nabucco, de Giuseppe Verdi

Conductor: Nicola Luisotti Stage director: Andreas Homoki Titular Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real

05 Jul 22


22 Jul 22

Last performance



With the enormous success of Rossini’s Mosè in Egitto, the imposing stories of the Old Testament that had been a literary source for innumerable Baroque oratorios, found a new and modest position in Romantic opera which would expand over the course of the century with significant contributions by Donizetti, Halévy, Gounod, Serov, Goldmark or Saint-Saëns, among others. Few, however, made more of this  than  did Verdi and his Nabucco,  the first great success after a dubious start, and one which distinguished him as the symbol of the Risorgimento with the famous Hebrew Slaves chorus «Va, pensiero». Compelling as an uncut diamond, Nabucco also had three top-notch protagonists – Nabucco, Abigaille and Zaccaria–forerunners of some of the grand Verdian roles which were still to come.  This Nabucco comes in the production of Andreas Homoki with the sumptuous and period piece costumes of Susana Mendoza and the minimalist stage design of Wolfgang Gussmann. The action takes place in Italy during the time of Verdi and places the focus, as of the overture, on the family relationships which constitute the real nucleus of this passionate drama. 

Dramma lirico in four acts

Music by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)

Libretto by Temistocle Solera, based in Nabuchodonosor (1836) by Auguste Anicet-Bourgeois y Francis Cornu, and in the ballet Nabuccodonosor (1838) by Antonio Cortesi

Premiered in the Teatro Alla Scala de Milán, 9 march 1842

Premiered in the Teatro Real 27 January 1853

Production of the Opernhaus of Zürich, in co-production with the Teatro Real



Musical conductor I Nicola Luisotti - 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22 jul

                             I Sergio Alapont - 13, 16, 20 jul

Stage director I Andreas Homoki

Stage designerI Wolfgang Gussmann

Costume designer I Wolfgang Gussmann

                                I Susana Mendoza

Light designer I Franck Evin

Dramatist I Fabio Dietsche

Choir director I Andrés Máspero

Titular Choir and Orchestra of the Teatro Real
(Coro Intermezzo / Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid)



Nabucco I Luca Salsi - 5, 14, 18, 21 jul

                | George Gagnidze - 6, 9, 12, 15, 19 jul

                | Gabriele Viviani - 8, 11, 16, 22 jul

                I Luis Cansino - 13, 20 jul

Ismaele I Michael Fabiano - 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21 jul

              I Eduardo Aladrén - 12, 13,  16, 20, 22 jul

Zaccaria I Dmitry Belosselsky - 5, 8, 21 jul

                I Roberto Tagliavini - 6, 16, 19, 22 jul

                I Alexander Vinogradov -  9, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20 jul

                | Simon Lim - 12, 13 jul

Abigaille I Anna Pirozzi - 5, 8, 11, 14, 18, 21 jul

               I Saioa Hernández - 6, 9, 12, 15, 19, 22 jul

               I Oksana Dyka - 13 jul

               | Ewa Płonka - 16, 20 jul

Fenena I Silvia Tro Santafé - 5, 8, 11, 14, 18, 21 jul

              I Elena Maximova - 6, 9, 12, 15, 19, 22 jul

              I Aya Wakizono - 13, 16, 20 jul

El Gran Sacerdote I Simon Lim - 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21 jul

                                I Felipe Bou - 8, 12, 13, 16, 20, 22 jul

Abdallo I Fabián Lara

Anna I Maribel Ortega

Nabucco, de Giuseppe Verdi

Programa de mano

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Patron friends

22 February


Subscribers friend

24 February


Tickets on sale

01 March



  • Date/hour
  • Space
  • Cast
  • Subscription ticket

05 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Luca Salsi, Michael Fabiano, Dmitry Belosselskiy, Anna Pirozzi, Silvia Tro Santafé, Simon Lim, Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets E

06 July 2022


Main Auditorium

George Gagnidze, Michael Fabiano, Roberto Tagliavini, Saioa Hernández , Elena Maximova, Simon Lim, Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets S2

08 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Michael Fabiano, Dmitry Belosselskiy, Anna Pirozzi, Silvia Tro Santafé, Felipe Bou , Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets V

09 July 2022


Main Auditorium

George Gagnidze, Michael Fabiano, Alexander Vinogradov, Saioa Hernández , Elena Maximova, Simon Lim, Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets G

11 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Michael Fabiano, Alexander Vinogradov, Anna Pirozzi, Silvia Tro Santafé, Simon Lim, Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets H

12 July 2022


Main Auditorium

George Gagnidze, Eduardo Aladrén , Saioa Hernández , Elena Maximova, Felipe Bou , Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets Y

13 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Luis Cansino, Eduardo Aladrén , Oksana Dyka, Aya Wakizono, Felipe Bou , Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets A

14 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Luca Salsi, Michael Fabiano, Alexander Vinogradov, Anna Pirozzi, Silvia Tro Santafé, Simon Lim, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets X

15 July 2022


Main Auditorium

George Gagnidze, Michael Fabiano, Alexander Vinogradov, Saioa Hernández , Elena Maximova, Simon Lim, Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets W

16 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Eduardo Aladrén , Roberto Tagliavini, Aya Wakizono, Felipe Bou , Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets C

18 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Luca Salsi, Michael Fabiano, Dmitry Belosselskiy, Alexander Vinogradov, Anna Pirozzi, Silvia Tro Santafé, Simon Lim, Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets B

19 July 2022


Main Auditorium

George Gagnidze, Michael Fabiano, Saioa Hernández , Elena Maximova, Felipe Bou , Felipe Bou , Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets F

20 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Luis Cansino, Eduardo Aladrén , Alexander Vinogradov, Aya Wakizono, Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets D

21 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Luca Salsi, Michael Fabiano, Anna Pirozzi, Silvia Tro Santafé, Felipe Bou , Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets Z

22 July 2022


Main Auditorium

Eduardo Aladrén , Alexander Vinogradov, Saioa Hernández , Elena Maximova, Felipe Bou , Fabián Lara, Maribel Ortega
Subscription tickets S1

Cultural activities


What's OnIstituto Italiano di Cultura di Madrid
A la Ópera con el Maestro Nicola Luisotti: el Nabucco en el Teatro Real
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Madrid
El maestro Nicola Luisotti en diálogo con Marialuisa Pappalardo, directora del Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Madrid. En italiano y español.
Entrada libre con reserva previa en 
7 de julio a las 19:00h






What's OnUniversidad Nebrija

Nabucco «resurgido» - Conferencia incluida en el II Ciclo Hilvanes de Ópera.

Ponente: María Redondo (Profesora de Historia del Traje y Sociología de la moda en el grado en Diseño de Moda en la Universidad Nebrija)

Modalidad online, 14 de julio de 2022 a las 18:30






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