
Joseph Haydn

Orlando Paladino

01 Nov, 23

Orchestra conductor: Giovanni Antonini | Il Giardino Armonico

After almost fifteen years, an opera by Haydn returns to the Teatro Real. Irreverent and hooligan, this concert version of the great classicism comes with the renowned instrumental ensemble Il Giardino Armonico, conducted by Giovanni Antonini.

The Age of Enlightenment is known to us for its elevation of reason, exaltation of virtue, moderation, and, in effect, all those attributes we consider to be the opposite of a passionate, unpredictable, creative nature which we presuppose in a good show. Orlando paladino by Haydn presents a totally different aspect of the rational 18th century:  that which sought to parody —reductio ad absurdum— the excesses of the Baroque era. In this case we refer to the well-known and frenzied episode of jealousy of the famous Christian paladin.   

Here, in this Paladin Orlando there is a third competitor for Angelica:  Rodomonte, King of Barbaria; Pasquale, a servant who continually complains about his master’s excesses; and an innocent couple of shepherds. Irreverent and libertine, the opera most performed during the composer’s lifetime, it is also a premonition of the comico-serio approach, and of some of the most emblematic characters in the operas of Mozart, particularly, don Giovanni.

Drama eroicomico in three acts

Music by Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Libretto by Nunziano Porta, based on Orlando furioso by Ludovico Ariosto

Premiere at Eszterháza on 6 December 1782

Premiere at the Teatro Real

Concert version

Orchestra conductor: Giovanni Antonini


Angelica: Emőke Baráth

Rodomonte/Caronte: Renato Dolcini

Orlando: Alasdair Kent

Licone / Pasquale: Krystian Adam

Eurilla: Natalia Rubis

Medoro: Josh Lovell

Alcina: Núria Rial

Il Giardino Armonico

Orlando paladino, de Joseph Haydn

Programa de mano

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01 November 2023


Main Auditorium

Emoke Baráth, Renato Dolcini, Alasdair Kent, Josh Lovell, Krystian Adam, Natalia Rubis, Nuria Rial
Subscription tickets Z


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