Supported by:


Benjamin Britten

Peter Grimes

19 Apr, 21 - 10 May, 21

Peter Grimes

Musical conductor: Ivor Bolton | Stage director: Deborah Warner | Titular Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real

19 Apr 21

Premiere Date

10 May 21

Last performance



If there exists a before and after in British opera, then this is measured from the opening of Peter Grimes at Sadlers Wells in London in June 1945. Greeted as the most important English opera since the time(s) of Henry Purcell, the success of the work was decisive in the evolution of Britten’s operatic talent and consolidating  his as the composer who was to become an undisputed reference point of the 20th century. Based on a poem published in 1810 with more ethnographic than dramatic focus, Britten constructed a sombre parable about the conflict between the masses and the individual. The maritime atmosphere, the crudity of people’s lives and passions, and the complex, impenetrable personality of the protagonist come together in a tragedy which ferments and explodes in the din of silence and hearsay. A tragedy which is immediately forgotten gives way to the self-righteousness of everyday lives and the movement of the sea itself. After the recent success of Billy Budd, opera and theatre director Deborah Warner returns to the Teatro Real to premiere this coproduction between the Royal Opera House Covent Garden of London, the Opéra National de Paris (or the Paris Opera) and the Teatro dell'Opera of Rome.

Opera in a prologue, three acts and an epilogue

Music by Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)

Libretto by Montagu Slater, based on a poem from the collection The Borough (1810) by George Crabbe

Premiered at the Sadler’s Wells Theatre of London on the 7th of June, 1945
Premiered at the Teatro Real on the 15th of November, 1997

New production of the Teatro Real, in co-production with the Royal Opera House Covent Garden of London, the Opéra national of Paris and the Teatro dell’Opera of Rome

Titular Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real
(Coro Intermezzo / Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid)

Artistic team

Conductor | Ivor Bolton

Stage Director | Deborah Warner

Set Designer | Michael Levine

Light Designer | Peter Mumford

Choreographer | Kim Brandstrup

Chorus Master | Andrés Máspero

Video |  Will Duke

Figurine |  Luis Carvalho



Peter Grimes I Allan Clayton

Ellen Orford I Maria Bengtsson

Cap. Balstrode I Christopher Purves

Auntie I Catherine Wyn-Rogers

Bob Boles I John Graham Hall

Swallow I Clive Bayley

Mrs. Sedley I Rosie Aldridge

Rev. Horace Adams I James Gilchrist

Ned Keene I Jacques Imbrailo

Hobson I Barnaby Rea

First Niece I Rocío Pérez

Second Niece I Natalia Labourdette




Subtitles in

Spanish, English

Peter Grimes, de Benjamin Britten

Programa de mano

application/pdf 4.67 MB


Patron friends

09 December


Subscribers friend

11 December


Tickets on sale

15 December



  • Date/hour
  • Space
  • Cast
  • Subscription ticket

19 April 2021


Main Auditorium

Allan Clayton, Maria Bengtsson, Christopher Purves, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, John Graham-Hall, Clive Bayley, Rosie Aldridge, James Gilchrist, Jacques Imbrailo, Barnaby Rea, Rocío Pérez Rodríguez, Natalia Labourdette
Subscription tickets E

22 April 2021


Main Auditorium

Allan Clayton, Maria Bengtsson, Christopher Purves, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, John Graham-Hall, Clive Bayley, Rosie Aldridge, James Gilchrist, Jacques Imbrailo, Barnaby Rea, Rocío Pérez Rodríguez, Natalia Labourdette
Subscription tickets A

24 April 2021


Main Auditorium

Allan Clayton, Maria Bengtsson, Christopher Purves, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, John Graham-Hall, Clive Bayley, Rosie Aldridge, James Gilchrist, Jacques Imbrailo, Barnaby Rea, Rocío Pérez Rodríguez, Natalia Labourdette
Subscription tickets G

27 April 2021


Main Auditorium

Allan Clayton, Maria Bengtsson, Christopher Purves, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, John Graham-Hall, Clive Bayley, Rosie Aldridge, James Gilchrist, Jacques Imbrailo, Barnaby Rea, Rocío Pérez Rodríguez, Natalia Labourdette
Subscription tickets F

29 April 2021


Main Auditorium

Allan Clayton, Maria Bengtsson, Christopher Purves, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, John Graham-Hall, Clive Bayley, Rosie Aldridge, James Gilchrist, Jacques Imbrailo, Barnaby Rea, Rocío Pérez Rodríguez, Natalia Labourdette
Subscription tickets B

02 May 2021


Main Auditorium

Allan Clayton, Maria Bengtsson, Christopher Purves, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, John Graham-Hall, Clive Bayley, Rosie Aldridge, James Gilchrist, Jacques Imbrailo, Barnaby Rea, Rocío Pérez Rodríguez, Natalia Labourdette
Subscription tickets V

05 May 2021


Main Auditorium

Allan Clayton, Maria Bengtsson, Christopher Purves, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, John Graham-Hall, Clive Bayley, Rosie Aldridge, James Gilchrist, Jacques Imbrailo, Barnaby Rea, Rocío Pérez Rodríguez, Natalia Labourdette
Subscription tickets C

07 May 2021


Main Auditorium

Allan Clayton, Maria Bengtsson, Christopher Purves, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, John Graham-Hall, Clive Bayley, Rosie Aldridge, James Gilchrist, Jacques Imbrailo, Barnaby Rea, Rocío Pérez Rodríguez, Natalia Labourdette
Subscription tickets Z

10 May 2021


Main Auditorium

Allan Clayton, Maria Bengtsson, Christopher Purves, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, John Graham-Hall, Clive Bayley, Rosie Aldridge, James Gilchrist, Jacques Imbrailo, Barnaby Rea, Rocío Pérez Rodríguez, Natalia Labourdette
Subscription tickets Y

Cultural activities

Curso de formación

What's OnMuseo Nacional de Escultura

Comprender a Benjamin Britten. Cuatro sesiones para conocer a fondo la obra del compositor. Fechas por determinar.






What's OnGayarre Hall

Encuentro con los artistas que participan en la producción de Peter Grimes.

  • 19.50h público general hasta completar aforo
  • 19.30h Amigos del Real inscritos previamente 





Visita guiada

What's OnMuseo Nacional de Escultura

Recorrido por la Puebla Vieja de Laredo (Cantabria) con explicación y recreación de las artes pesqueras del siglo XVI en el Cantábrico. 8 de abril y 11 de mayo. Actividad gratuita.





Taller infantil

What's OnMuseo Naval

Una actividad única para dar a conocer a los más pequeños algunos detalles de lo que antes se llamaba urbanidad y que ahora han pasado a ser protocolo. Abril, mayo y junio. Actividad gratuita.






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