Supported by:


Tomás Marco


13 May, 24 - 19 May, 24

World premiere in staged version

Musical conductor: Santiago Serrate | Stage direction: Agrupación Señor Serrano | Orchestra of the Teatro Real | Chorus formed by singers from the Teatro Real's Crescendo program

After its premiere in concert version at Teatro Auditorio San Lorenzo de El Escorial in 2017, the score Tenorio by Tomás Marco will have its full stage premiere at the Teatro Real. Based on José Zorrila's Don Juan Tenorio and with additions by Tirso de Molina, Molière, Lord Byron, Lorenzo da Ponte, Goldoni, Zamora, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and others. 

This opera includes content that may not be appropriate for minors. 

From the first pages of the score of Tenorio, the verses written by Lorenzo Da Ponte for Mozart’s Don Giovanni are recognisable. Even though it is based principally on Zorrilla, the libretto of this chamber opera brings together texts by de Tirso de Molina, Molière, Da Ponte, Lord Byron, sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Quevedo, in a new reading of the classical writings which follow in the wake of works such as Segismundo (2003) or El caballero de la triste figura (2004), among others.

Composed between 2008 and 2009 at the request of the Estío Musical Burgalés of 2010 – where the premiere was not possible–, this opera was first seen in a concert version in San Lorenzo de El Escorial in 2017.  The work, dedicated to Alfredo García, presents, and actualizes the myth through its protagonist and the figures of doña Inés, doña Ana and Lucía, where the singing attempts to find a new vocalism, yet remains committed to the intelligibility of the libretto. A small chorus or madrigal quartet assume various random characters who comment on the action, who, along with a chamber ensemble, make up the vocal- instrumental continuo that sustains the work.

Chamber opera

Music and libretto by Tomás Marco (1942), based on José Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio, with additions by Tirso de Molina, Molière, Lorenzo da Ponte, Lord Byron, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Francisco de Quevedo

Premiere in concert version in San Lorenzo de El Escorial Theatre-Auditorium Summer Festival 2017

World premiere  in staged version

New production of the Teatro Real

Artistic team

Musical direction: Santiago Serrate

Stage direction: Àlex Serrano, Pau Palacios (Señor Serrano Group)

Set design and lighting:

Art direction: Jacobo Cayetano (Zuloark)

Costume design: Atena Pou Clavell, Joan Ros Garrofé

Dramaturgical advisory: Clara Serra

Video: Xavier Gibert

Choir direction: José Luis Basso

Assistant stage direction: Anna Llopart /Cristina Cubells

Camera operators: Bibiana Gispert, Marc Costa


Tenorio: Joan Martín-Royo

Don Luis: Juan Franciso Gatell

Doña Inés: Adriana Gónzalez

La Narración: Juan Antonio Sanabria

Doña Ana: Lucía Caihuela

Lucía: Sandra Ferrández

Orchestra of the Teatro Real

Chorus formed by singers from the Teatro Real's Crescendo program

The premiere in concert version, as well as its recording, were made possible thanks to Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators from the BBVA Foundation awarded to the maestro Santiago Serrate.

Synopsis and more information

Don Juan Tenorio has cast his shadow over several centuries of history, from his early literary appearances in the 17th century to the present day: his character has come to attain mythical status. And myths, as we all know, are ideal tools when it comes to discussing the present. What kind of Don Juan could we expect to encounter today? Would his myth still be one of love? From what perspective would the relationship between Don Juan and Doña Inés be narrated? Would a present-day Doña Inés react in the same way to Don Juan? What would happen if we were to place Don Juan in the midst of a film shoot taking place in 2024?

The approach taken by the Señor Serrano Group is to place the action of the piece on the set where a version of the “Tenorio” is being filmed. The setting includes not only the sets and locations, but also, and especially, the backstage: dressing rooms, catering area, make-up corner, wardrobe area. Thus, the soloists and the chorus are part of the artistic and technical team of this shoot, where gradually what belongs to the set, and therefore to fiction, contaminates the different backstage spaces, and therefore reality. Are Don Juan and Doña Inés characters that belong only to fiction (and myth), or can we also imagine them existing in the realm of reality? What level of fiction/reality does each one inhabit? What happens when the realm of fiction and the realm of reality intersect?

Tenorio, de Tomás Marco

Programa de mano

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  • Date/hour
  • Space
  • Cast
  • Subscription ticket

13 May 2024


Main Auditorium

Joan Martín Royo, Juan Francisco Gatell, Adriana González, Juan Antonio Sanabria, Lucía Caihuela, Sandra Ferrández
Subscription tickets E

15 May 2024


Main Auditorium

Joan Martín Royo, Juan Francisco Gatell, Adriana González, Juan Antonio Sanabria, Lucía Caihuela, Sandra Ferrández
Subscription tickets C

17 May 2024


Main Auditorium

Joan Martín Royo, Juan Francisco Gatell, Adriana González, Juan Antonio Sanabria, Lucía Caihuela, Sandra Ferrández
Subscription tickets A

19 May 2024


Main Auditorium

Joan Martín Royo, Juan Francisco Gatell, Adriana González, Juan Antonio Sanabria, Lucía Caihuela, Sandra Ferrández
Subscription tickets Y

Cultural activities


What's OnResidencia de Estudiantes

Con  motivo del estreno escénico de Tenorio en el Teatro Real, la Residencia propone un encuentro abierto al público entre el compositor y libretista, Tomás Marco, el director musical de las representaciones, Santiago Serrate, y la asistente de la dirección de escena, Cristina Cubells. Moderará la cita, la doctora en musicología, Camen Noheda. El acto se podrá seguir en directo en este enlace.

Salón de actos
10 de mayo. 19.00 h
Entrada libre hasta completar aforo.





Visita guiada

What's OnBiblioteca Regional de Madrid

El teatro en la Biblioteca Regional de Madrid

Un recorrido por los fondos líricos y teatrales de la Biblioteca, donde están recogidas publicaciones como El arte del teatro o El teatro, dos revistas de finales del siglo XIX y primera década del XX, con un material gráfico muy valioso, que sirven de ejemplo de la extraordinaria afición que había en el Madrid de 1900 al teatro, la ópera y la zarzuela. 

22 de mayo. 17.00 h
29 de mayo. 12.00 h
Entrada libre hasta completar aforo, previa inscripción en este enlace.










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