El Real Junior
Hansel & Gretel
08 Jun, 24 - 16 Jun, 24

Humperdinck composed Hansel und Gretel around 1891 with a version of the story written by his sister Adelheid Wette. For this fairytale opera, the story has been adapted and transported to an even more magical realm.
Stage Director Pedro Chamizo proposes a revision of the narrative to bring it closer to today’s spectator and the audience of the future: the boys and girls of the 21st century. We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in our society. An era of transformation and change that is moving towards a world that is more informed and sustainable. The younger generations are more prepared than ever, they will carry the torch and show how to take care of our world.
Music by Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921), based on the homonymous story by the Brothers Grimm
Production: Yotumi Kids and ABAO Bilbao Ópera
Musical Direction and Pianist: Cristina Presmanes
Stage Direction and Dramaturgy: Pedro Chamaizo
Costume Design: Yajaira B.
School performances
7, 14 June 2024, 10:30 am and 12:00 noon
Performances for Families
8, 9, 15, 16 June 2024, 11:00 am and 1:00 pm
Recommended as of age 10
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- Subscription ticket
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