The members of the Junta de Amigos (Board of Friends) represent various business, culture and social circles. Its mission is to encourage support and participation from the community, so as to build upon and develop activities within the institution and beyond into the cultural life of Spain. The members of the Junta de Amigos enjoy a series of benefits from the Teatro Real.
Board of Friends
Jesús María Caínzos Fernández
Myriam Lapique de Cortina
Claudio Aguirre Pemán
Hilario Albarracín
Modesto Álvarez Otero
Rafael Ansón Oliart
Fernando Baldellou-Solano
Iñaki Berenguer
Lorenzo Caprile
Felipe Cortina Lapique
Mercedes Costa
Santiago Ybarra, count of El Abra
Andrés Esteban
Isabel Estapé Tous
Nieves Espinosa de los Monteros
Ignacio Eyries García de Vinuesa
Ignacio Faus Pérez
Francisco Fernández Avilés
Luis Fernández Ordás
Natalia Figueroa
Iñaki Gabilondo
Enrique González Campuzano
Anne Igartiburu
Pilar Solís-Beaumont, Marchioness of Marañón
Rafael Martos, Raphael
Ernesto Mata López
Teresa Mazuelas Pérez-Cecilia
Rafael Moneo
Eugenia Martínez de Irujo, Duchess of Montoro
Daniel Muñiz Quintanilla
Julia Oetker
Luisa Orlando Olaso
Paloma del Portillo Yravedra
Isabel Preysler
Jacobo Pruschy
Narcis Rebollo Melció
Helena Revoredo de Gut
Iñigo Sagardoy de Simón
Sonia Sarmiento
Lilly Scarpetta
John Scott
Paloma Segrelles
José Manuel Serrano-Alberca
Eugenia Silva
Joaquín Torrente García de la Mata
Martín Umarán
Núria Vilanova Giralt
Marisa Vázquez-Shelly
Director of Private Sponsorship
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