El Real Junior
Totolín —Between two—
14 Nov, 20 - 08 Dec, 20
Puppets and music

Production by Títeres Etcétera, with the collaboration of the AAIIC of the Junta de Andalucía (Regional government of Andalusia)
15 SEP. 20
Start selling day14 Nov 20
Premiere Date12 Mar 25
Last performanceA musician and a puppet make friends in a circus; they have plenty of adventures like putting on red noses and playing a saxophone duo. The show, which examines the capacity to overcome difficulties and the struggle to make our dreams come true, is a tribute to august clowns like Charlie Rivel, Grock or the Rudi Llata, bearers of a humour which is both naive and profound at once. With staging that combines elements of musical language and puppetry, Totolínis a tender story of two friends that will make us smile.
Production by Títeres Etcétera, with the collaboration of the AAIIC of the Junta de Andalucía (Regional government of Andalusia)
New production at the Teatro Real
Suitable as of age 6
Sala Gayarre
Artistic Team
Authors | Enrique Lanz y Yanisbel Victoria Martínez
Stage director, Stage design, Puppeteer, lighting and video director | Enrique Lanz
- | Leo Lanz
- | Enrique Lanz
- | Yanisbel Victoria Martínez
- | Sara Martínez
Tickets on sale
14 November
- Date/hour
- Space
- Cast
- Subscription ticket
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